Metallurgy and Cu-Zn Batteries

Created by jmulvey dubai 11 years ago
My best memory of Peter (Pretty Pete) is in our final year at Mines. We had very similar interests at college. The actual studies were not really one of them. We were there to meet girls and bring fun, and levity to those around us. So there was some senior level course that required the class to propose, in teams, some electric car battery for the future with report, presentation etc. So of course the two least inspired students, Pete and myself end up together. I think the other students probably considered us a possible liability to their GPA and shunned us. We of course waited until the night before the report and presentation was due to start and then pulled an all nighter. It was exasperating but still fun because Pete was involved. By the next morning the report was done but our brains were shot and I couldn't even remember how the battery worked. Since Pete was the handsome spokesperson for our presentation it was my job to at least understand something about the Cu-Zn battery we were proposing. I didn't. I was getting slightly stressed out with a few hours to go and I remember Pete without a care in the world telling me that no-one would ask us how the battery worked. I conceded and we headed to the class. Pete was about 30 seconds into our presentation when some geeky future grad student interrupted and asked simply "How does the battery work?" We looked at each other and both shook our heads and smiled. Pete finished our presentation, the mystery of how the CU-ZN battery works still a mystery to all. Unfazed, I know that Pete and I fully celebrated our collaborative efforts later that evening. Pete was always happy and positive when I knew him. Never speaking a bad word about others. I always thought that at some point I would get a chance to see him again. Very sad. -John Mulvey